The pursuit of my passion...

...of which- said passion, of mine, is creating and sharing original images of the Olympic Peninsula, and other places, where I travel. Some of my recent works have been statements, or explorations of the world I experience, rendered with color, and form, and we're displayed, and some sold, here and there, mostly around the Puget Sound area.
A painting of a mountain Biker, rendered by my hand, that sold out of a Waterstreet, Port Townsend gallery in the summer of 2022,

I created the piece, using a variation of an experimental technique that I refer to as colors blast. This painting, that was sold, already, is now being featured on a print, and greeting card. Interestingly a gallery in downtown Port Townsend sold the original painting, within two weeks from the time of its premier, and paid to have it framed, and shipped it to Chicago. Unfortunately sparks flew from the owner, and curator, when I asked questions about that transaction, since I had only received a minuscule amount for the painting, and I knew that the framing, and shipping costs, alone, would dwarf what I had been paid for the actual piece of art. an inquiry by me followed; and very shortly after my inquiry about the transaction, that gallery and I discontinued working together, over disagreements about some communication, or transparency issues, or an assumed accusation that I was being un-trusting, as an associate artist of the gallery, and, I guess, deemed by the curator to be problematic, and unjustifiably accusatory, or questioning, in my expressing, any desire at all to know any of the details of the sale, that must have certainly been substantial in the bottom line, compared to the minuscule amount that I was paid for the original art piece. I really do thank that Gallery downtown for or the opportunity that resulted from getting to have my artwork there, at a Gallery with a fairly high profile or at least prime real estate- store front, and I had to decide that I am now moving on. My being able to see that my art could sell in that sort of situation of high end exposure was invaluable, and confirmed what I always believed, and that was always doubted and turned aside by galleries, in the past that commanded high end demographic locations- rejections for their own reasons, of which I can't be sure. That my work would sell, almost immediately, in a
situation that it would receive top billing, or prominent placement in a top notch real estate location- of high profile venue was something tat I always knew would be proven as soon as one of my works would be given such opportunity. So it was something that proved itself to be true, when I was able to finally have it tested.

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