Here's whats new, and interesting in this post
*Greeting cards featuring Chimacum farm*
* a featured rare photo of Byron David servicing his bee hive; taken by a Bremerton Journalist -photographer, in around 1936, or 37, I'm thinking.
That's right: Grandpa David was raising bees, on his farm on a patch of ground between Perry Ave and Trenton, in Bremerton, not far from where the mountain view middle school is now; back before it was cool. I mean; it was always cool, but just wasn't something that was receiving the attention that bee farming has been getting, in our time.
I decided to post the photo of Grandpa David servicing his bees, in this post, to highlight the point I've mentioned, here, and there, in passing along my art images to appreciators, and to anyone interested: agriculture has been in my family for generations.The historic photo is posted at the beginning of this entry. the silver nitrate version is in my family, and probably will stay there forever.
*. *. *. The farmscape painting featured in this post is now being featured on a greeting card sold at Aldrich's market, on Lawrence street, Port Townsend. This image is a new feature at Aldrich's market, that is one of of six chosen, including an image of the Point Wilson lighthouse, and two separate images of Aldrich's, both painted on the spot by me. Any one of my plein-air works all happened one day, in the life of an artist. I should know. I wouldn't lie. And my brush has never lied, either.
Of the two Aldrich's images included in this stock:.
* An image of the old Aldrich's market, taken from an original, by me; and
*another; featuring The 'New' Aldrich's Market, from a painting by my hand.
A new development about this image, that was inspired by the Short Family farm, in Chimacum, where I worked sporadically, for two summers- here it is!...
As of early July, I have been informed that the painting 'Them Finally Coming Home" by myself, has been chosen for one of the community calendar images for the Gathering Place. I'm very happy it was chosen for 2022.
This painting was inspired by, and completed at the location of- Short's Family Farm: just a stone's throw off Center Rd, between Center, and Chimacum, WA. One of these digital image capturesbin this post is of Steven Johnson, my friend, and photographer, and fellow artist checking out the farmscape with me, before we began painting. I was really glad to have him join me, and see
him up, and moving, on this day, as he had been recovering from a knee surgery, after a bad fall. At some point, I will be able to post the photo's he took on our outing, and I have just posted the photo of Steven's painting completed.
I worked on this farm, with the Short family, and some of their hands the last two seasons, part time. Short's farm grows beef cattle, and also produces a variety of soil, formulated for farming, and landscaping, among the other things that they do at their farm, in Chimacum, WA. The mountain peaks drop out of view, or detection, with the auto focus camera setting, in the frame with the painting; but fortunately, you can see the peaks, that I was looking at, in the first frame, without the artwork, or easel.

Up to this point, in the rendering: all done in plein-air mode, while hanging with friend Steven.
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